Thursday, January 12, 2012

Almost Done!

This week was long, and yet it was also short. Let me explain. It was a long week in the sense that I feel like I have worked hard for the entire thing. Sunday we took down the Christmas tree (hard and emotionally dissatisfying. I miss that big beast of a tree in the middle of the living room!). Monday was a long time ago it seems… On Tuesday my students were unruly, then I went to a wake that was an hour away, followed by dinner and playing with our friends’ son. It was a great night, but that was a lot to do in a day! Wednesday was work followed by work, not to mention the fact that I woke up fifteen minutes before I usually leave my house, in other words… 40 minutes late! Not a great start. Thursday (today) was another day of work followed by work, and tomorrow is another day of work followed by work. Fortunately tomorrow I get to hang out with my brother and maybe even go to Costco! Yay!

I have been having a great week following my Paleo plan, with the exception of Starbursts and sherbet, which somehow snuck in there on me. Hooray for less inflammation! Thank goodness for being able to go down stairs comfortably without my old lady knees puttin’ up a fight! Why do I eat other food? Oh yeah, because it tastes good.

I haven’t gotten my workouts in, but my energy level is finally back and I know that I can start adding workouts in anytime now. I look forward to getting started this weekend. Since nobody really reads this I can divulge my secret… I do not have any plans on Saturday. None. I plan to keep it that way. I work all day Sunday, and I just want to pretend that I’m a hermit on Saturday. It sounds heavenly, delightful, and slightly antisocial, because it is entirely selfish. If people ever begin reading this, they will think I’m awful.

Tonight I prepared this little blog for what I would like to add. I wrote the titles of the books down that I need to write reviews for, added the DailyMile widget, and put up some photos. Looking forward to living some of my life here in my little corner of Internetland!

I got all of my photos loaded into my Picasa and my Picasa Web Album, so I look forward to sharing Christmas photos! Maybe Saturday!!

How about you, do you ever crave a day to do nothing all by your lonesome?

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